Monday 26 December 2011

it's a start

Many years ago, almost in another life if I'm honest, someone requested a specific dish I'd once made for them. It flattered me to no end because I didn't consider myself a cook, let alone a good one. I still feel flattered when people enthuse over my food and even ask for the recipes. Lately the voices asking for recipes have grown louder, which obviously has something to do with the fact that I now have my own kitchen and can't rely on my mother to provide me with delicious meals anymore.

This past year I've been toying with the idea of a food blog, but the fear of not being good enough has stayed my hand. I don't see myself as an excellent cook, I don't have an endless repertoire of recipes, I feel my photographs of dishes don't do them justice.
What I can do though is cook tasty food that has my friends and family asking for more.

I decided to look at the first posts of some of my favourite food blogs and I realised, they all started out like me, a bit clumsy but with good tasty food.

So here goes, this is my start.